Arcilla, esmalte y moda creativa

While in Castine, Volume 4, Part 1
I’m wrapping up my monthlong creative sabbatical here in Castine. As with all things, life speeds up and slows down when I spend a month away from home base. Every...

Looking back, looking ahead, pt. 1
It’s time for a little reflection! Get ready for a deep dive into what worked (and what didn’t) in 2023. I’ll be diving into what’s next in 2024 in the...

While in Castine vol. 3, part 2
Oh Maine! You will always have my heart with your moody days and your beautiful growth and your respected piles of purposeful neglect! It’s easy to see why this place...

While in Castine vol. 3, part 1
I’m on creative sabbatical in Maine right now. This is our 3rd year of taking a month away from the daily goings on in NE Ohio to make art on...

2022: A Recap
Let’s recap! Launched a holiday collection Created 10 commissioned artworks Made new paintings Said goodbye to my sweet gram, my last grandparent Spent a month in Maine, making new...

How space changes us
It's quite amazing how space affects us. I remember my undergrad professor John Balistreri at Bowling Green talking about the importance of how we use our space. He always said...