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Lauren HB Studio
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Summer launch sneak peek!!
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Summer launch sneak peek!!

There’s something about the buildup to summer- the unpredictable cold days and the late warm evenings, the slightest scent of the fading sweetness from the spring blooms. The nights get longer and all I want to do is hang out in my garden, eat ice cream, or maybe sip on a cool drink while I watch things grow. Are you with me? Our summer collection is all about the blooming of summer. We’ve added a new glaze to the collection too! Wisteria is a soft, muted purple color that brings to mind warm nights and the sweet smelling flowers. Azul, a fan favorite, is bringing big Lake Erie energy with its more saturated hue. We hope that you feel this color combo like we do and we can’t wait to see how these pots hold your best summer memories.

What color are you most excited about? Let us know below! And watch for our summer launch on June 20!


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